Tuesday, September 23, 2008

One Of The Oldest Myths In Boxing Training

Lifting heavy weights will make you slow, is a myth that has been around for many years. It doesn't sound like it's going to be dying anytime soon either. This myth comes from coaches who know nothing about exercise physiology, and strength/conditioning. Ask any coach, what is there main goal in training a fighter? Their answer usually is, to make their fighter faster, and more powerful. The fact of the matter is, that most fighters are bloody weak! These coaches don't understand, that to get fast, you first have to be strong. To be strong, you have to lift heavy weights. They also fail to understand ,that strength and speed, are prerequisites of power. So to be powerful, you have to be strong and fast.

Now don't get me wrong, if you do nothing but lift heavy weights, they can make you slow. The key is though, you must combine speed strength exercises with your strength training, to increase the rate of force development. This combination of training means, will then make you more explosive. The thing I question is, don't you increase your rate of force development hitting the speed and double end bag? Yes you do. Keep in mind, by rate of force development, I'm talking about how fast you move an object. The key here, is how fast.

So even doing eight weeks of a base strength training block won't make you slow. You can then add more speed strength exercises in the next block, or plyometric exercise in conjunction with strength training, to increase the RFD.

The results of adding these training means is, is a fighter who is truly faster, and stronger. strength training will also prevent injury's. It's beyond the scope of this article to discuss how strength training can prevent injury's. I hope I've shed some light on this old wives tale for you. The next time you hear a boxing coach say lifting heavy weights will make you slow, you will know the truth, and the ignorance he is spreading.

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